Sunday, December 14, 2008


Sometimes shit happens, right?
But you learn. And soon you'll find that when you don't just decide to lie down and cry, blame the world, or god, or everyone else and lament your sorry life; but instead stand up a little bit taller, pull your racked heart and realling mind together, suck it in and carry on, only one thing really matters... It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it. This is that defining moment when you realise, I am not a child, the power to chance my life and rise above all the shit is mine. It's all in that catchword and urban myth called CHOICE!

Signing out

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Dearest soulmate,
I hope you are out there, somewhere, waiting for me, not piously or with chastity for I cannot expect what I do not fulfill... But at least knowingly, not in your mind but in your heart, or with the same hope that one day we will find each other. Not for happily ever after, for fairytails are just that, but for all the times when you wished you were alone even though you know that's the one thing you don't need... For the times when you wish someone would say "Shut up and get on with it"... For the times when you could just lie in bed listening to their heartbeat, because nothing else in the world seems as real or miraculous as having some contented at your side... For the times when we all feel fragile, lost, excited, misunderstood, angry and in love...
In short, I promise to be me. With all my faults and habits, vices and virtues, but also with all my love and devotion, no matter what... If you are out there, or if I have already met you and ruined it, know that I wait, bleeding, hopeful, smiling, crying, frustrated and joyous for the day when I can make you happy...
Me xxx

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Martini Recipe


Well due to popular demand (a single comment, which in recent days seems to be as close to popular demand as i'm gonna get... hehehe), here are the two most common Martini recipes. I thought as seen as i am a part time barman i could help the world and teach myself a cocktail at the same time. Enjoy responsibly...

Vodka Martini

100ml Vodka
6ml Dry Vermouth
Lemon twist or olive

Shake in a boston tin with loads of ice, strain and serve in a cocktail glass with the twist or olive.

The Classic Gin Martini

75ml Gin
3ml Dry Vermouth
Lemon twist or olive

Stir together in a mixing glass with ice, strain and serve in a cocktail glass with your chosen garnish.

Hope this help

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Bucket List

Heya everyone

Well, i'm back after a rather long absence. Altough in my defence i do have about 4 drafts that just never got published, writers block i guess... Nothing i churned out seemed right or good enough, but this came to me today.
I was just thinking about all the things i wish i had done, all the things i am proud of having done and all the things I want to do before i kick the proverbial bucket ;) So here goes, and please feel free to add urs, the comment tab is there for a reason.

1. Bungee Jump
2. Build my own house
3. Buy an Aston Martin
4. Fall in love
5. Leave my mark
6. Parachute
7. Threesome
8. Visit Budapeste
9. Climb the Eiffell Tower
10. Dance tango in Buenos Aires
11. Kiss someone in the rain
12. Open my own restaurant/bar/club
13. Act in a play

Singing out

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Take it for what you will...

"The Kiss" - Roy Lichtenstein

Saturday, May 10, 2008

To Life! To Luck! To Friendship!

Hey everyone

This week has been a good one, if slightly counterproductive when it comes to what I should be doing. i.e. revision. But i digress... The whole point of this entry is to say thank you to all the people who make those boring days bareable by making sure i give one genuine laugh each day. You know who you are...

Signing out...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What happened

What happened to that feeling we had, that anything is possible, that the sky is the limit, that be can be all that we dream no matter the obstacles... What happened to being a kid inside? I wish growing up didnt bring with it the uncontrolable urge to over analize, to consider pros and cons. I wish for once we could all act on impulse, with pure sentiments and dive head into all that will one day make us great. Not because of the project we chase, but because of the will and mindstep with which we chase it!
Signing out

Friday, March 28, 2008

Call To Arms!


If you have been watching the news where ever your are, I'm sure you hvae noticed what is happening right now in China. The people of Tibet, now a chinese province, are being violently repressed for, according to the Chinese government, supporting dissedent beliefs and whishing to cause turmoil in the country ahead of this years Olympic Games in Beijing.
Somehow I don't quite thing this is in keeping with the image China has developed in its rather murky past. Macau springs to mind. Tianemen Square. The ongoing restritions imposed on basic freedoms, like freedom of expression in the media. The presucution of catholic chinese. The "cure for all remedies" way in which the death penalty is used in an otherwise biased and corrupt judicial system. The discrimination of women in all walks of life. The non-existant protection of the working class. Female infanticide. Need I go on?
I call on you all to take heed of this message and sign the following petition to show the Chinese government that its action will not go unnoticed or unpunished. Enough is enough my dear friends.
The Olympic Games where founded as a beacon of international coperation and to showcase the benefits the world could reap by embracing freedom and democracy. Is it not then a bit antisenscial that a communist, repressive, huma rights abusing nation is allowed to host what is one of the greatest spectacles of the year? Think about it...

Signing out...

Monday, March 24, 2008

To lighten the mood...

Thanks Matt!
Signing out...

That feeling...

Just a thought...

Have you ever met someone, whose mere voice would make you shiver?
Have you ever met someone, whose smell would make you heart race?
Have you ever met someone, whose every smile would make you blush?
Have you ever met someone, that made each day brighter just by walking by you?
Someone who brought out every animal instint in you?
Someone whose gaze could leave you feeling naked and weak?
Who could make you think of nothing else but needing them there and then?
I have... But to no avail... They don't know it...
I fear they never will...

Signing out...

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I have always thought that our lives are not dictated by where we go once they are over but by the mark we leave on the world while we are still here. This last week has been a revaltion on that. I have learnt that taking risks to follow our passions, breaking free of convention and what those around expect of you and making your own luck, future, fate, destiny what ever you will call it is the way to being remembered. For if nothing else, people will say, he was not afraid to follow his dreams...

Signing out

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Professora com tomates!

Professora com tomates! ( Só no PORTO!!!!.. Carago!)História verídica ocorrida numa Faculdade do Porto: Uma professora universitária acabava de Dar as últimas orientações aosalunos acerca do exame que ocorreria no dia seguinte. Finalizou alertando que não haveria desculpas para a falta de nenhumaluno, com excepção de um grave ferimento, doença ou a morte de algum parente próximo.Um engraçadinho que estava sentado no fundo DA sala, perguntou com aquele velho AR de cinismo: "De entre esses motivos justificados, podemos incluiro de extremo cansaço por actividade sexual??" A classe explodiu em gargalhadas, com a professora a aguardar pacientementeque o silêncio fosse estabelecido. Assim que isso aconteceu, ela olhou para o palhaço e respondeu:"Isso não é um motivo justificado. " - e continuou serenamente - "Como o exame será de escolha múltipla, você pode vir para a sala e escrever com aoutra mão... Ou se não se puder sentar, pode responder de pé. "

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cry to this...

Personality dissection...


This one has been a long time in the making, and I guess recent conversations have revolved so much around first impressions and aroudn things we would never expect people to do, that I felt that a little personality dissection post was in order.
First impressions last, but not really. Well, untill you actually get to know the person. I think your initial assesment is like when you first look at a work of art, a book, or listen to the opening lines of a song. Either your hooked on beauty alone (beauty no in the strict sense of the word, but just as something you like or value, like a trustworthy smile or a confident demeanour) or by a catchy hook in the song; or there is something in that first impression that doesnt quite sit with you. Certain people are an aquired taste and, like port, get better over time. Actually port is a great example. Many people find it a bit overbearing and different at first, but if you make an effort, you'll often find you like it. On the other hand, i tend to find that positive first impressions that prove right are not such a good thing. I usually just get bored with people you can read at first sight.
That brings me to surprises. Don't you just love people who out of the blue show you that there is more to them than you first thought. Masks are a day to day thing when it comes to dealign with other people and its great when someone has the courage to take theirs off and, for however brief a period, through an action or comment, show you what is going on deeper down, what makes them tick, cry, laugh, feel and react.
The wonder that is the human personality...

Signing out...

Friday, January 04, 2008

More Faith In War...

Hey all!

Decided to post some more of my work in progress Faith In War. Hope u enjoy. The rest of the first chapter can be found in the archive section. Enjoy...

- Don't I dare what? - replied Jude in an insolent sneer.
Sit down. You know perfectly well I despise you, and the only reason you are still alive is because, stupid and pathetic as you are, your knowledge, if one can call it that, has its uses. - He paused to let his words sink in.
- Remember this: now that you have fulfilled you promise I would not think twice before putting a bullet right between your eyes! - For extra measure he accompanied this last statement with a slight gesture with his head to the pistol that lay on his desk just so Jude understood loud and clear what was at stake.
He definitely got the message and replied in an utterly unconvincing tone of courage:
- As you are so kind to remind me during every visit but, let me remind you, of a little detail you so often seem to forget: you are not the only one with powerful friends.
In a movement incredibly fast for a man of his build Blake stood up, gun in had, pointing straight at Jude.
- Don't you dare threaten me you despicable worm!
- Wouldn't think of it, my lord, - replied Jude, an ironic smirk playing upon his lips, - I merely pointed out a fact which seemed to have evaded your lordships attention. That was all.
- You are so worried about my well being! All in all, it is a shame I know to well to believe you, - William sat down just as calm, just as composed, indeed as if nothing whatsoever had just happened.
- Too true, my lord, but may I point out that you certainly didn't summon me so that we could exchange mere pleasantries. What may I ask is the problem this time?
- Nothing, nothing at all, I merely need to sort out some details. First and foremost there is your payment. As you know you will only receive half a million pounds now, the other half will be yours as soon as I get what is rightfully mine!
- I see my information and that pretty little map have some value after all.
- Yes, yes, but as I often say: we are all bound to make mistakes sometime, - He was sure Jude had not failed to notice the sarcasm in this statement, a certainty confirmed by the laughter that followed.
A most unpleasant, cruel, artificial laugh, one that made even Blake recoil, though he hid this as best he could. Weakness and fear were two of the things he most hated, in fact there was probably only one thing he hated more than these "qualities" and that was the English monarchy, but as has been said: old prejudices die hard.
- Your lordship is in a most pleasant mood today. To what do we owe this pleasure? - Jude was sure to give just the right tone to this question, if Blake suspected any foul play his head would roll, literally.
- And to what do I owe this sudden interest in my affairs? As far as I know you were hired to uncover information and not to inquire. Keep your nose where it belongs or you may find that the lack of one is quite horrid. Are we understood?
- Perfectly. Crystal clear in fact. I was but making pleasant conversation...
- Well I am also sure I do not pay you to do that either, - The bite of impatience in his voice rang eerily through the dark silence, - Please let us not prolong this meeting any more.

Signing out...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year, new MO

Hey peeps! (excuse the blatant hip-hop refernce)

Welcome to 2008!
After the uneventful year (on this blog, at least) that was 2007 what can we expect of 2008?
Well, though it breaks my heart to say it, no more Harry... At least of the amazing book series which you will know, unless you've been living in a hole, ended this year with what, in my opinion, was one of the best series finales ever written. But opinions diverge on that.
You can also expect more of me, and more of those annoying notification emails saying there is new stuff up on good old not-so-faitful yours truly... loool! Those can be avoided though... Just comment more and I'll think lots of people acctually care about whatr i say and stop badgering you to read this trash...
So, why the new MO? Because (excuse the improper english grammer) 2007 was marred by mankind showing, once again how ridiculously unkind and stupid it can be. Iraq and Afganhistan are still bastions of oppression, despite what the US continues to say. Zimbabwe is still out of the limelight in most countries, Mugabe still runs a beautiful country into the ground and we all stand aside and whistle our happy tune. Jacob Zuma has been appointed president of the ANC in South Africa despite his obvious extremist leanings (Give me a machine gun, give me a machine gun... not a good sign) and stupidity (AIDS is innocuous as long as u take a shower aftewards)...
So here it is. I promise to cut my hair, study more and denounce cruelty right here... I think JK Rowling taught us all a lesson (at least those who bother to look past the superficial and analyse the deeper message in the books): if we love each other and fight for whats right and good, we can make a difference, not matter how small we think it may be.
Ignorance reigns supreme in our modern world, despite technology. Religious extremism, racism, sexism, discrimination, gay bashing... Enough is enough ladies and gentlemen...

Signing out...