Se não consegues evitar ficar triste por tudo aquilo q não t deixa ser feliz, ao menos sorri... Sem motivo algum... O resto virá por si só!
Quando parecer que tudo foi em vão, que erraste vezes demais, que desistir é a melhor solução, olha para o céu... O Sol continua lá, basta apenas soprar um bocadinho para mover as nuvens... Apenas isso... mais complicado do que parece, mas possível...
O mundo é bem melhor do que imaginamos... O TEU mundo, aquele que tu crias como complemento àqueles que já existiam... E só depois de o fazeres, de conseguires deixar alguma marca que relembre a tua passagem neste mundinho pequeno, é que sentirás a luz da vida a radear... A memória e a recordação ficarão para sempre!!
Luta por tudo aquilo em que acreditas... Com todo o teu amor... Afinal de contas, é a única coisa que não escassa quando vivemos no verdadeiro sentido da palavra viver...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
"O que a lagarta chama de fim do mundo, para o mestre é o nascimento de uma borboleta..."
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
How much is too much?
People only worry about their grades, they are completely idifferent to those that surround them, they defeate the purpose of school: growing as a person. No one grows by cheating on a test! No one grows by getting the results to a test and not sharing them! No one grows by making others look bad, so that they look good! Grow up! Get a grip on life! It's not all study and work, in fact, we learn more by sharing and discussing than by being self-absorbed, egotistical, selfish brats! Everyone complains about the high admissions grades in university, but, it's thanks to these people (not that they deserve to be called people) that we battle and loose the little child like spirt that remains in us... Just to become better than the rest...
Live! Wake up! Please...
Friday, November 17, 2006
Much ado about nothing...
Friday, September 29, 2006
New collaborator arrives!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006
Brit to the bone...
Well, as seen as my dear, dear collaboratores have decided not to post yet (you guys are in BIG trouble when I get back!) I decided to say Hi, and leave you all with a couple of pics of Lincoln, the town where I'm staying. Sorry they aren't pics I took, because I don't have a way of posting those... But oh well! Hope you enjoy, I think it's one lovely place...

Signing out...
Monday, July 31, 2006
A new era rises...

Welcome to the newly renovated Fantastic5 Blog! Instead of only having to put with little old me, you now have two new collaboratores, who will soon be joined by another two lovely ladies. For now, I introduce, Mr Cedric Pedrosa (crowd grows wild) and the ravishing Miss Carlotta Hohenstein (male fans in flights of fancy, swooning and passing out...)! Hope you enjoy the revamped version...
Oh, and guys, be free to post in any language you see fit; but promise me one thing, ok? If you post in English, don't assasinate the language... looooooooooooooool!
Signing out...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Together again!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Another one
Just a little something...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The smile seemed to make him feel better.
He remembered past kindness of a friend
and wrote him a thank-you letter.
The friend was so pleased with the thank-you
that he left a large tip after lunch.
The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,
bet the whole thing on a hunch.
The next day she picked up her winnings,
and gave part to a man on the street.
The man on the street was grateful;
for two days he'd had nothing to eat.
After he finished dinner,
he left for his small dingy room.
(He didn't know at that moment
that he might be facing his doom.)
On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
and took him home to get warm.
The puppy was very grateful
to be out of the storm.
That night the house caught on fire.
The puppy barked the alarm.
He barked untill he had woken the whole household
and saved everybody from harm.
One of the boys that he rescued
grew up to be President.
All this because of a simple smil
that hadn't cost a cent.
Something different!
But just so you don't die right there on the stop, I decided to vary a little, and post a music video: Aerosmith - Jaded! Enjoy..
Signing out
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Food for thought...
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
William Blake, Auguries of Innocence
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The show must go on!
As promised here is the next instalment of Faith in War. Please take the time to read it over, and keep the opinions coming! All the feedback I get is great and real helps... Well, hope you enjoy.
One may be quite intrigued as to why a man of Mr. Blake's personality would be so interested in a simple map. For this we must delve deeper into history, back to the time when Henry VIII ruled over the British Isles and the protestant reform was at hand, rising like a phoenix, powerful, inexorable, from the decadent ashes of the Catholic Church.
William was the descendant of the Duke of Exeter, or so he would have been, had it not been for a rather disastrous misunderstanding between the Duke and his majesty, the King: for it was the Kings intention to divorce his first wife, and remarry, although his holiness, the Pope, had already denied his request. Now Henry was not easily dissuaded and broke away from Britain's Catholic roots, creating the Anglican Church in order to divorce and remarry. Thus began the protestant reform of his majesty's kingdom. Many devout Catholics were forced to convert to Anglicanism and those who refused were often tortured and burned. The Duke and his family were among these devout Catholics and declared they would not pay homage to Henry VIII for, in their eyes, he had brought slander and ridicule to the throne, dishonouring forever the British crown. For their declarations the Duke and his family were striped of their title, their lands, and everything that tied them to their royal ancestry, but to this day their pride and unwavering courage withstood.
And to this day the Heirs of the Duke have maintained a secret pledge, a pledge to restore their bloodline to its former glory, a pledge that he was planning to fulfil. And this map was the key. The key to a secret so powerful that as he sat clutching that yellowing piece of parchment he felt a slight shiver run up his spine, something that didn't happen very often and, definitely, something he did not like in the least.
Just then someone knocked on the door. Blake who had been expecting this barely moved, making just the slightest of gestures on order to hide his map from view, instead he simply said:
- Come in Jude.
As the door opened a greasy, dark, unkempt fellow entered the room. All of him seemed to be made of shadows, he seemed like smoke, fragile, weak even, and yet, impossible to catch. Rather than walking upright like proud William, he crept around the room, slightly lowered, head alert, like a snake in an inhospitable setting. He looked incredibly out of place in such a splendid office, and William was most aware of this. His face wore a look of extreme revulsion, and as the man called Jude made a gesture to sit down William barked:
- Don't you dare!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
A little something
Well, I have yet another thing to thank MSN Messenger for! During a conversation with a friend I was told about a site called "Why do you do what you do". And I loved it! It's just a really simple site, where people, through photos or drawings, tell everyone why they do what the do (hence the name). It's really simple, but the premise is really refreshing. So take some time, and peek around. The link can be found in the Links section. And to wet your taste buds, here is a sample:

Signing out...
P.S. Some time soon I'll been posting the next installment of Faith In War, so keep on checking up. And thank-you to everyone who leaves a comment. I hope I'm not as boring as that! lol!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Well schools out! (In a sense because exams are just around the corner!) And I decided to post a little something as a thank-you to a group of people who have become, over this past year, my extended family: my class!
You guys are amazing! Every single one of you has a personality that sometime drives me wild, and other times makes me want to say I love you! I think that's what being a family is all about... We don't brag and say we are better than anyone else, but within us we all know that the atmosphere we have in our lessons can only be achieved by people who really do get along.
Signing out...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
What a blast!
Well, I promised to give a blow-by-blow account of our time at the Rock In Rio summer festival, and here I am! I believe me, it was amazing, albeit our experience began with a few minor setbacks...
First Cedric lost, YES LOST!, his ticket, and we both wasted about 30 min looking for it in the middle of the street, that is, untill his mom found it dropped outside a pharmacy! I swear I felt like killing him, there and then! We bought the tickets 2 months ago, and he decides to loose it on the day! But whatever... We eventually arrived at S. Bento station and discovered (what a surprise!) that our information was wrong, and that the train left from the other station. So we ran like crazy but the road, to get to the subway... Thank god we made it on time...
The train ride was nerve racking to say the leaste, mainly because two people (whose names I will not metion, but just because I love them) are soooooo bloody shy it hurts! Tree hours we had to wait before "something" finally happened! But that's life... lol!
We arrived, under the scorching heat, I was the only one strip searched by the guards! and decided to do a reconassaise lap! lol! That place is incredible! Really! We got soaked at the 7up showers and rolled inside plastic balls! (one of the coooolest experiences in my life!)
Next came the concerts themselves! Kasabian was an enjoyable surprise, Da Weasel was ok, but the Red Hot Chilli Peppers ROCKED!! They blowed us away completly! Dani California shook the ground in every sense of the word!
The trip back was eventful... lol! Between our "druged" state in the middle of the station, to my bleeding lip (NOT!), Cedric's realllly heavy head, Pinto's unsuccesful attempts to help him, Carlotta's "Do you mind?! People are trying to sleep!" and Marcio and Stefânia's screwing around with our heads the whole night! loool!
All in all an absolutely, posilutely, slenderific, fantastic, gob-smacking good day! I leave you with a couple of picks of our day...

Signing out...
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Wake up call.
I'm not one for moralities, but as I was listening to this song it really hit me how cruel, intolerant and ridiculous we are sometimes. I think it's about time we started listening a little bit more, before reacting and destroying. Please, believe in the human being. Begin by changing the little things: smile to strangers who seem sad, be kind to those around you (many are fighting harder battles than we are), think before you hurt someone, show love, peace and tolerance in all you do...
Tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing
'cause you can't relate to me
You're blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to you
I'm the persecuted one
You're the red, white and blue
Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come back
See I've known terror for quite some time
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It's the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I'm terrorized in my own land (what)
And I'm the terrorist?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind?
Do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me...
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
America, do you realize that the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize my every living day
So if I won't be here tomorrow
It's written in my fate
May the future bring a brighter day
The end of our wait
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
A touch of Shakespeare

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Simply the best!
I was looking at all these idle ramblings on my blog, and I noticed that two people who make me sooooo happy don't have a post just for them. Me being such an amazing and kind person, I have decided to take time out of my extremenly busy schedule (NOT!) and dedicate a little something to ya... So, Sara and Ced... You mean too much for words to express. You are always there to put with me, which is no easy task... I love you guys!

That's the end of mt study break. Now, it's back to the books. Thank god is biology! lol!
Hugz and squeezas...
Signing out...
Friday, May 26, 2006
This is for the ones who put up with me...

That'll be all for now, ladies and gents...
Signing out...
Monday, May 22, 2006
A little bit of art...
So as I said in my second post (yup, I think it was that one...) I really dig urban arte, and arte in general, and everyone who knows me knows I spend lessons drawing on anything I find. So I decided to share a couple o f them with you all. These are suggestions for a tattoo I really want (either on the back of my leg or on the base of my neck, on my spine). So give a shout, and feel free to give some ideas for new tattoos. I'll try to draw them... Also say what you think about these a where I should put them... lol!

See ya...
Signing out...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Me & My babes...
Just felt like posting something for the girl who makes my everyday worthwhile. I leave also a little code for you to crack, have fun. When you do, post the answer in a comment. You can all try, but this is for you... I love you.
I just love these pics...
Well after my hissy-fit/drama queen stunt/I hate you f*#$ing idiots piece, I'm all sobered up and jumping all over the place like the crazy guy I am. So to keep you on your toes I decided to post a couple more pics. Ah... The good life, parties... I WISH! Now, unfortunately, is the time to buckle down! Oh well... lol! Enjoy...

Gives them a kind of power and authority I fing really hottt! LOL!

That was one hell of a night! - PAI! Levanta a cabeça, pai eu nao me consigo mexer! PAI! LEVANTA A CABEÇA! lol! - Tou cheia de fome... lol! I LUV U GUYS!

- NAO ES CAPAZ! lol! - Had loads of fun with that...
Monday, May 15, 2006
Friends don't last forever...
To my true friends, who have battled throuhg the problems, who have show they are the amazing people I always knew they were, I merely say: I love you... Words can't express what I feel.
To those who fled, to those who hurt me worse than any mortal wound can, I merely say: Thank you... You have taught me more than you imagine... Everyday I miss you, everytime I think of you, everytime I cry for you, I want you to know that I love you for making me stronger, for teaching me that the true test of friendship is hardship...
I really wish that thing would go back to what they were. But then again, no! I wouldn't do anything diferently! I am happy with what I have done. Not proud, for I too make mistakes (far more than most...), but happy because I know I dealt with the consequences of my actions...
I'm ashamed to say, but you have turned a part of my heart to stone...
Signing out...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Well for everyone who knows me, Nikita, is a world famous caracter... A minha rata (sorry but that had to be in Portuguese) was a source of laughter, joy and love, the chewing my fingers and removing flesh, were shows of emotion... Upon your passing (wich was about a month ago) we remeber you and salute your energy and perseverance (after all, not everyone is capable of runnig constantly on a wheel and going absolutely nowhere... lol!)

Signing out...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Picking up on old news...
Well call me repetetive, but I had to come over and say a couple more things about this years edition of the "I Have A Dream". Beyond being absolutely amazing, it was definately a high point for all of us in the last 2 years. So, as seen as I found these fotos, I decided to give you all another look...

Signing out...
Monday, May 08, 2006
An ode to friendship...
I decided to make this a day to honour and thank those few that I truly call my friends. Those who make my everyday worthwhile, who make me laugh hysterically (not that I can laugh any other way as you all know...), who bring me back down to earth and say: Shut up and think! I love you all guys, and just wanted to say that you mean onw heck of a lot to me! Sara, my bundle of laughs, Cedric, my calm, collected buddy, Elisabeth, the best sister-in-law-to-be a guy could wish for, Patricia a.k.a Fatinha a.k.a Filhinha, my amazing daugher who is always there for daddy..., Ana a.k.a Piu a.k.a Pinto, a person I barely know but who has proved beyond all doubt to be an amazing person, and, of course, to my best friend, Carlotta - no explanation necessary - I just love you babes...

It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust,
Friends will be friends,
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention,
Friends will be friends,
When you're through with life and all hope is lost,
Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end
Thank you for being who you are...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Signing out...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
It just doesn't get much better than this!
This post is a day overdue, but, better late than never, and anyway it's still all so vivid that I feel as if we've been dancing for the last 24 hours... It was amazing! You all were amazing! I scream for joy, I cry of pride, I smile of amazement, not because I believed you couldn't, but because you showed me you could more than anyone!
You all deserved to be on that stage. You proved you metal and WE GAVE THEM HELL! Cedric, for throwing me against the wall on that Friday, telling me it's not worth it, and giving me strenght to carry on... Estefania, for doing in a month, what many couldn't have done in six, for showing everyone that more important than being good, is being persevereant! Marco, for, on another Friday, when you saw your place threatened, showing how commited you were, and how prepared to were to go the extra-mile and do something great... Sara, for putting up with me from the beginning, for telling me, you can do it, and do it well, for always being there for us, and for everything you are... Carlotta (the best for last, and don't be ofended guys! lol!), for getting over your issues, for showing everyone that you can, for keeping me grounded, for keeping me firm, for helping me do what I had to do... I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, words cannot explain what I feel. It meant the world...
But now seriously, and not to be concieted or anything, but we ROCKED! We showed then what it means to dance, to give a show, to work (and by god did we work these last 4 months)! Every little compliment I hear just makes me think one thing: none of this would ever have been possible without you 5, and no one, and I mean no one, could have done it better!
I also take this opportunity to thank some people, who deserve to be recognised and many timea aren't... Mrs. Emilia Macedo, thank you for believing we could do it and for giving us the place of honour. I know we didn't let you down... Our parents, who put up with so much (driving us to rehearsals, putting up with the rehearsals, feeding us, ignoring the fights, and so much more), and who raised 6 individuals capable of doing what we did. We stand and appalude you... To everyone behind the sceans and the I HAVE A DREAM, you guys do so much and are rarely recognised, we thank you... To my amazing sister-in-law-to-be who stayed so many afternoons so we could practice. And to all our friends, those who saw some rehearsals and said "hell yes!!", those who only saw the show and said "oh my god!", those who couldn't be there and still said "break a leg!", thank you all...
(Sorry for the oscar speach, but things had to be said, and if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry and know we thank you all the same...)
So that's that I guess, I'm going to watch the movie for the 8th time, (I just can't get enough), just jokin... Once again congratulations, you were fabulous!!!!! And remember next year is going to kick ass!

Signing out...
Friday, April 21, 2006
Words just don't cover it!
It all started yesterday with the Lobbying. It was great to see everyone back for another conference: some old faces, some new ones and some people we know on a day-to-day basis but look so different all dressed up. The atmosphere was amazing: tense but friendly, resolute but compreensive; and I saw some of the best resolutions in these last two years, and best defences at that. Then again, nothing less could be expexted with a team of leaders like ours. I take this opporunity, on my humble abode, to thank and congratulate all, in particular: Luis Terrinha (you seriously leave me absolutely gobsmacked!), Mafalda Pinto (hell yes!), Antonio Maia (you couldn't have been more american!) and my other sister-in-law-to-be, Marie Hohenstein (you're an amazing Press Editor, but I really do hate you for publishing that quote! LOL! Just kidding!). As this is the last year for many of you, I wish you good luck and thank you for being an inspiration for all of us. Your hard work and dedication means more than we can say. I stand and applaude you all!
We met some amazing delegates, both from CIC, and from other schools, among them, and sorry if I don't know your names but that is one of my weak points, the delegate of France, DPR Korea, Germany (Luis Grilo, this one I know), DR Congo (Ken, I don't know the rest, but Viva South Africa, Viva!), Cambodia (Sara and Cedric, well I already knew you, but you did an excelent job), Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Timor Leste, Sudan, Tailand, etc... Congrats, I'm looking forward to challenging and working with you again soon...

and the representative of Cambodia, Miss Sara Neves...

The United Kingdom yields the floor to the chair...
Wait there is no chair... What do I do now?
Oh well...
Signing out...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The horrible truth behind Disney...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My way!
And so I face the final curtain,
My freind I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain,
I've lived a life that's full,
I've traveled each and every highway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way!
Regrets, I've had a few,
But then again,
to few to mention,
I did, what I had to do,
And saw it through, without exemption,
I planned each charted course
Each careful step upon the byway
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes there were times,
I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off, more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up, and spit it out,
I faced it all,
And I stood tall,
And did it my way.
I've loved,
I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill, my share of loosing,
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing,
To think I did all that,
And may I say,
Not in a shy way,
Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way.
For what is a man, what has e got?
If not himself, then he has not,
To say the things, he truly feels,
And not the words of one who kneels,
The record shows,
I took the blows,
And did it my way!
Signing out...
Monday, April 17, 2006
The need to blow some steam...
Well I just really needed to write, about everything and nothing. About a couple of things that have been driving me up the walls lately. And I guess blowing some steam is the best way to go to bed with a lighter load...
So we have less than 2 weeks to our show, and they are not up to scratch yet. Yes I have said before that they make me proud, and that they are dancing brilliantly, but the fact is, that's not enough. We have to be absolutely perfect, and we're not. I'm not living up to my own expectations and I hate it! Dammit! Another thing: they aren't used to being on stage, this is a first time thing and it's pretty big. What if someone freezes? I feel that they aren't confident enough and that somehow it's my fault, but I haven't the foggiest why or how to fix this. I guess a couple more practises might do the trick, but there isn't much time really...
Well, bottom line is: we have to make it work, come hell or high water! We can, you can! You have surprised me so many times before, and I am hopping you are getting ready to do it again.
If you read this before the show: good luck, I know you can do this, and have faith in you. If not, I know that all of the above will be complete nonsencial rambling and that I will be at home crying with joy, because you all fliping nailed it! Believe in yourselves, and don't let anything break your self-esteem... You're better than that!
Vini, Vidi, Vinci - Julius Ceaser
Signing out...
Friday, April 14, 2006
Photos gallore!!

LOL!!! Lots of kisses! You are an amazing person!

Just felt like saying...

Howzit people!
Just wanted to say how much I love you, how much you mean to me, and how much I need you. You really are one of the best things that ever happened to me!! (Babes I know you hate it when I post photos of you, but I really feel the need to show everyone how god damn stunning you are! And don't scoff, because it's true!)
Well that's that for now, I'll probably be back today to post a couple of photos...
Signing out...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I really just wanted to post a cartoon strip from one of my favourite web sites: off the mark ( So here goes, hope you enjoy...

Signing out...
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
A few of my passions..
I'm back. I was sitting around doing absolutely nothing and decided to update my humble abode... and what better way than to pay homage to my passions. The things that make me tick...
First and foremost: music. I love music, everything it inspires and everything it is. From jazz, soul, hip-hop (yes Cedric there are some, few, songs worth!), pop, and most of all ROCK! A relatively new passion,because a few months ago I didn't really enjoy rock, but now that's basically half my music list... Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the disco and the sort.

Next, dance... I love to dance, and have, over the years done a couple of cool things in the area.. Not to brag or anything but, I was a national 2nd place and studio champ. Lol! This year me and the Fantastic 5(excluding 1 and including Marco and Estefânia) are rehearsing a little something for the "I have a dream". I can't disclose any details, it's sort of supposed to be a surprise, but I'll say this much: it's going to be one hell of a show! I also take this opportunity, seen as the subject permits, to thank Cedric, Sara, Marco, Estefânia and Carlotta. You guys have been absolutely fantastic! I never imagined I could make 5 people, without any experience, albeit with talent, dance like you all are dancing right now! I make me proud every time we dance!
And last but not least: urban art. Sort of a wierd combination? Rock, ballroom dance and Graffitis... But that's me, a load of contradictions... So anyway. There's not a lot to say here, os I'll just leave you with a little something created by me on an amazing website called, and dedicated to the person who makes me soar with every touch!

Signing out...
Just to wet your apetite...
As many of you might already know I writing a book. Nothing too complicated but all in all quite a good plot. I've only written the first three chapters, which means I'll probably finish it when I 80!!!
So I decided to release a sort of trailer on my blog, an unprecidented view of the first paragraphs of chapter one. Hope you enjoy and please comment...
London 1999
William Blake was not a man to be taken lightly. Everything that surrounded him was there for this exact purpose, for no one was more of an expert in intimidation. From the antique Persian carpets, to the mahogany glass-fronted cabinets full of relics, collected from numerous tribes around the world, everything was there to create a sense of power, mysticism and omnipotence that few would consider charming, but then no one had ever has the courage to say this to Mr. Blake.
As for Mr. Blake, let's just say, that our surroundings tend to be a reflection of ourselves. He was just like his study: a dark man, power hungry, intelligent, complex and above all else: proud. Yes, pride was something he held very dear to his heart, perhaps because, just as all who are unfairly condemned, he still maintained an old prejudice against the British crown for having robbed his ancestors of their royal title. And old wounds heal with much difficulty, most so when those who are wounded refuse to be healed.
On this particular night,William sat at his 16th century, carved, oak desk smoking a Cuban cigar (an extremely expensive habit he had acquired during his time as a financial consultant for the Cuban kingpin in Havana) and admiring his most recent triumph: a map.
Hope you liked it. Stayed tuned for more of "Faith in War"
Signing out...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The begining...
So here go's my first post ever, so bear with me and try not to fall asleep...
First I want to explain the name: well yellow canary because of that famous yellow sweat-shirt, purple-belt because I, many years ago, practiced Karate and when I left I was a purple belt... Watch out!! lol! NOT!! Oh yes, and a tribute to the Fantastic 5 (no not the book series) because of my friends, the people who make my life so much more fun... You guys are my idols and I love you with every fiber of my being...
And here they are: the fabulous Fantastic 5:
From left to right: Carlotta (the love of my life, the one who is always there for us, the german part of the group and one hell of a good time); yours truly; Denise (a once member and now renegade, we miss you and hope you'll return and face the music...); Sara (the smile that sunk a tousand ships LOL, a great friend and basically fun re-incarnated...) and finally Cedric (one of the few guys I can truly call my friend, the swiss part of the group, the calm and relaxed person who usually holds us together...).
So that's that.
Signing out...