Hey everyone...
This post is a day overdue, but, better late than never, and anyway it's still all so vivid that I feel as if we've been dancing for the last 24 hours... It was amazing! You all were amazing! I scream for joy, I cry of pride, I smile of amazement, not because I believed you couldn't, but because you showed me you could more than anyone!
You all deserved to be on that stage. You proved you metal and WE GAVE THEM HELL! Cedric, for throwing me against the wall on that Friday, telling me it's not worth it, and giving me strenght to carry on... Estefania, for doing in a month, what many couldn't have done in six, for showing everyone that more important than being good, is being persevereant! Marco, for, on another Friday, when you saw your place threatened, showing how commited you were, and how prepared to were to go the extra-mile and do something great... Sara, for putting up with me from the beginning, for telling me, you can do it, and do it well, for always being there for us, and for everything you are... Carlotta (the best for last, and don't be ofended guys! lol!), for getting over your issues, for showing everyone that you can, for keeping me grounded, for keeping me firm, for helping me do what I had to do... I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, words cannot explain what I feel. It meant the world...
But now seriously, and not to be concieted or anything, but we ROCKED! We showed then what it means to dance, to give a show, to work (and by god did we work these last 4 months)! Every little compliment I hear just makes me think one thing: none of this would ever have been possible without you 5, and no one, and I mean no one, could have done it better!
I also take this opportunity to thank some people, who deserve to be recognised and many timea aren't... Mrs. Emilia Macedo, thank you for believing we could do it and for giving us the place of honour. I know we didn't let you down... Our parents, who put up with so much (driving us to rehearsals, putting up with the rehearsals, feeding us, ignoring the fights, and so much more), and who raised 6 individuals capable of doing what we did. We stand and appalude you... To everyone behind the sceans and the I HAVE A DREAM, you guys do so much and are rarely recognised, we thank you... To my amazing sister-in-law-to-be who stayed so many afternoons so we could practice. And to all our friends, those who saw some rehearsals and said "hell yes!!", those who only saw the show and said "oh my god!", those who couldn't be there and still said "break a leg!", thank you all...
(Sorry for the oscar speach, but things had to be said, and if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry and know we thank you all the same...)
So that's that I guess, I'm going to watch the movie for the 8th time, (I just can't get enough), just jokin... Once again congratulations, you were fabulous!!!!! And remember next year is going to kick ass!

Signing out...
This post is a day overdue, but, better late than never, and anyway it's still all so vivid that I feel as if we've been dancing for the last 24 hours... It was amazing! You all were amazing! I scream for joy, I cry of pride, I smile of amazement, not because I believed you couldn't, but because you showed me you could more than anyone!
You all deserved to be on that stage. You proved you metal and WE GAVE THEM HELL! Cedric, for throwing me against the wall on that Friday, telling me it's not worth it, and giving me strenght to carry on... Estefania, for doing in a month, what many couldn't have done in six, for showing everyone that more important than being good, is being persevereant! Marco, for, on another Friday, when you saw your place threatened, showing how commited you were, and how prepared to were to go the extra-mile and do something great... Sara, for putting up with me from the beginning, for telling me, you can do it, and do it well, for always being there for us, and for everything you are... Carlotta (the best for last, and don't be ofended guys! lol!), for getting over your issues, for showing everyone that you can, for keeping me grounded, for keeping me firm, for helping me do what I had to do... I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, words cannot explain what I feel. It meant the world...
But now seriously, and not to be concieted or anything, but we ROCKED! We showed then what it means to dance, to give a show, to work (and by god did we work these last 4 months)! Every little compliment I hear just makes me think one thing: none of this would ever have been possible without you 5, and no one, and I mean no one, could have done it better!
I also take this opportunity to thank some people, who deserve to be recognised and many timea aren't... Mrs. Emilia Macedo, thank you for believing we could do it and for giving us the place of honour. I know we didn't let you down... Our parents, who put up with so much (driving us to rehearsals, putting up with the rehearsals, feeding us, ignoring the fights, and so much more), and who raised 6 individuals capable of doing what we did. We stand and appalude you... To everyone behind the sceans and the I HAVE A DREAM, you guys do so much and are rarely recognised, we thank you... To my amazing sister-in-law-to-be who stayed so many afternoons so we could practice. And to all our friends, those who saw some rehearsals and said "hell yes!!", those who only saw the show and said "oh my god!", those who couldn't be there and still said "break a leg!", thank you all...
(Sorry for the oscar speach, but things had to be said, and if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry and know we thank you all the same...)
So that's that I guess, I'm going to watch the movie for the 8th time, (I just can't get enough), just jokin... Once again congratulations, you were fabulous!!!!! And remember next year is going to kick ass!

Signing out...
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life. |green Day-Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)|
Tá tudo dito!!!
piu \m/
Foi lindo...foi maravilhoso...foi inesquecivel...foram 4 meses de trabalho hárduo...foram 4 meses de muitas zangas...muitas alegrias...
Foram os 4 meses + intensos que alguma vez tive...
P.S.:Para o ano gostava de repetir outra dança do moulin rouge...desta vez merengue...que tal?xD
Tenho uma coisa para te dizer...
Eu sei que vai ser dificil de ler mas... Só vou dizer o que acho sobre a dança...
Aqui vai: não gostei nada da dança.Apesar de ter fingido que gostava no ensaio, não gostei mesmo, mesmo, mesmo nada!!! Vocês não sabem fazer melhor?!?!?!
Vocês foram o mááááááximo!!!!
oi...é a sarinha...eu adoro t meu cesinho...es o meu brother..considero t cm pessoa do meu sangue...considero t uma parte de mim...es mto especial e tas no coraçao 4ever...eu adorei aquelas fotografias e as tuas lindas palavras...tens msm jeito pa fazer dedicatorias...lol...i love you baby
De facto tenho k concordar cntg porque a voxa dança foi fenomenal, linda, fantastica, maravilhosa....
E tambem tal como o Marco ja dixe espero que pro ano eu esteja nu palco com voçes a mostrar como é k se dança e bem!!!
Bjs fofos
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