Hi all!
Well, as seen as my dear, dear collaboratores have decided not to post yet (you guys are in BIG trouble when I get back!) I decided to say Hi, and leave you all with a couple of pics of Lincoln, the town where I'm staying. Sorry they aren't pics I took, because I don't have a way of posting those... But oh well! Hope you enjoy, I think it's one lovely place...
Well, as seen as my dear, dear collaboratores have decided not to post yet (you guys are in BIG trouble when I get back!) I decided to say Hi, and leave you all with a couple of pics of Lincoln, the town where I'm staying. Sorry they aren't pics I took, because I don't have a way of posting those... But oh well! Hope you enjoy, I think it's one lovely place...

Signing out...
hummm...axo k vou pa sidney ou pa londres kando tiver 18anos!sozinho!ker dizer com pexoal k nao conheco
la tou eu a sonhar ...
humm o teu coiso parece mais uma aldeia com historinhas!!hehe
you sucks
(gosto de dizer isso)
abrcs espero k tas a passar boas ferias
Cunhadito!!! AS saudades são tantas!!!(Ok, eu só disse isto por simpatia!! LoL)
Pelos vistos estás a gostar, e isso é k importa...
Bem, e por esta hora deves estar maravilhado por teres estado em Londres... a tua paixão! Lá está uma coisa da qual gostas mais que da Carlotta... UPS!! Não... de longe!! Tal coisa não existe,pois não?! Hehe!! Diverte-te!!
Gosto muito de ti
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