Saturday, June 10, 2006


Hey everyone...

Well schools out! (In a sense because exams are just around the corner!) And I decided to post a little something as a thank-you to a group of people who have become, over this past year, my extended family: my class!
You guys are amazing! Every single one of you has a personality that sometime drives me wild, and other times makes me want to say I love you! I think that's what being a family is all about... We don't brag and say we are better than anyone else, but within us we all know that the atmosphere we have in our lessons can only be achieved by people who really do get along.

From left to right:
Marta - From the begining you proved me wrong, you are an amazing person and because I know you are capable of everything you want, I merely say: "Dream..."; Carlotta - Babes, I LOVE YOU!, you have been putting up with me for a heck of a long time know and it's thanks to you that I am as happy as I have ever been; Joana - Well, you don't speak much, but then again when you do you definately don't waste words. You have shown me a lot this year; Ricardo - I am yet to be able to tell the vannilla yogurt joke like you, but till then, I keep on remembering the famous Calgon Geology Lesson; Infinitésimo a.k.a Ponto a.k.a Zé Pedro - Dinamite does come in small packages and brainpower too. Thanks for being my back up in Maths class...; Maria João Mêlo - The chocolate cake queen in person (I love you cake!!) and a personwith a heart of gold. We got into a lot of disscusion this year, lets keep it that way! LOL!; Sara Alves - One of the sweetest girls I have ever met, a ray of sunshine if ever there was one, 0.5 points! WEEEEE!; J.C.L.C - The teacher who has taught me more about life and living than I ever thaught possible; Daniela a.k.a Nanny - girl we are going to kick some serious ass next year! I enjoyed working with you this year, and thank you for your spunk! It keeps us all alive! ; Paulito!!! - Well, even though you think I'm arrogant, concieted, egotistical and all that (just kidding) I really like you! You have an amazing way of always seeing the good in everything, even when all of us cannot... You'll always be my favourite shrink!; Rafa - Blonde till the end, but more intelligent than most give her credit for! You can be all you want to be, believe in yourself...

Well enough of my ramblings, that's all for now, but I'll be back...

Signing out...


Anonymous said...

bem, a foto fikou um cadinhu má, mas vai ser recordada smp c mt carinhu!!
sincerament, n percebi metade das coisas k escrevest sobre mim (loool), mas penso k seja bom...:P
ja tou c saudds!!
esperu k pro anu, estejamus juntos outra vex na BT2!!:D
bem, ficam aki (L) momentos k vou recordar c carinhu e saudd!

Anonymous said...

Desta vez não podia passar sem deixar um comentáriozinho!Eh fantástico ver q apesar de tdas as nossas diferenças (q n são poucas!) já não passámos uns sem os outros! Somos mt unidos e...estamos sempre prontos para uma fatia de bolo de chocolate! :p As saudades já começam a fazer-se sentir...
Obrigada pelo q disseste sobre mim, n estava nada ah espera vindo de um arrogante e egocentrico cm tu! Kidding :p Qd queres até és simpático! :)

"Sorria, está a ser depilado!" Dp tens de contar o q eh q a tua mãe disse sobre o novo visual da tua perna! Ahaha :D

Minha gente, na sexta feira já matamos as saudades tdas com as duvidas biológicas!
Porta-te bem c a Carlottinha, Cesar! Olha q eu posso ter esta cara de miuda de 7 anos q ainda brinca c barbies mas eu sou mt mt poderosa! :p

Fica bem, beijinhos *

Anonymous said...

eskeci-me de assinar...

Anonymous said...

n sei que dizer...
esta gente é tao maravilhosa, espectacular,linda linda linda!!! (onde é k eu ja ouvi isto???), esplendida, fantástica que eu n tenho palavras...
We are the best
'til eternity!!!

Anonymous said...

pessoal d biotecnologia!!.. jasuuus! maiors xanfrados (mnos o qerido prof ze carlos!) ok ok!! n batam..

poq afinal so dois d vcs sao chanfrados.. txa txa txa txaaaa
e os nomeados sao...
txa txa txa txaaaa:
cÉsar e carlotta!!


(ms n m perguntem poqê.. adoro.os! - ok! admito q talvz seja p tb ser chanfrada.. enfim..!!)

bjinhoO a seguir a grande**