Hi all.
I'm back. I was sitting around doing absolutely nothing and decided to update my humble abode... and what better way than to pay homage to my passions. The things that make me tick...
First and foremost: music. I love music, everything it inspires and everything it is. From jazz, soul, hip-hop (yes Cedric there are some, few, songs worth while...lol!), pop, and most of all ROCK! A relatively new passion,because a few months ago I didn't really enjoy rock, but now that's basically half my music list... Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the disco and the sort.

Next, dance... I love to dance, and have, over the years done a couple of cool things in the area.. Not to brag or anything but, I was a national 2nd place and studio champ. Lol! This year me and the Fantastic 5(excluding 1 and including Marco and Estefânia) are rehearsing a little something for the "I have a dream". I can't disclose any details, it's sort of supposed to be a surprise, but I'll say this much: it's going to be one hell of a show! I also take this opportunity, seen as the subject permits, to thank Cedric, Sara, Marco, Estefânia and Carlotta. You guys have been absolutely fantastic! I never imagined I could make 5 people, without any experience, albeit with talent, dance like you all are dancing right now! I make me proud every time we dance!
And last but not least: urban art. Sort of a wierd combination? Rock, ballroom dance and Graffitis... But that's me, a load of contradictions... So anyway. There's not a lot to say here, os I'll just leave you with a little something created by me on an amazing website called www.graffiticreator.net, and dedicated to the person who makes me soar with every touch!
So thats a wrap...
Signing out...
I'm back. I was sitting around doing absolutely nothing and decided to update my humble abode... and what better way than to pay homage to my passions. The things that make me tick...
First and foremost: music. I love music, everything it inspires and everything it is. From jazz, soul, hip-hop (yes Cedric there are some, few, songs worth while...lol!), pop, and most of all ROCK! A relatively new passion,because a few months ago I didn't really enjoy rock, but now that's basically half my music list... Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the disco and the sort.

Next, dance... I love to dance, and have, over the years done a couple of cool things in the area.. Not to brag or anything but, I was a national 2nd place and studio champ. Lol! This year me and the Fantastic 5(excluding 1 and including Marco and Estefânia) are rehearsing a little something for the "I have a dream". I can't disclose any details, it's sort of supposed to be a surprise, but I'll say this much: it's going to be one hell of a show! I also take this opportunity, seen as the subject permits, to thank Cedric, Sara, Marco, Estefânia and Carlotta. You guys have been absolutely fantastic! I never imagined I could make 5 people, without any experience, albeit with talent, dance like you all are dancing right now! I make me proud every time we dance!
And last but not least: urban art. Sort of a wierd combination? Rock, ballroom dance and Graffitis... But that's me, a load of contradictions... So anyway. There's not a lot to say here, os I'll just leave you with a little something created by me on an amazing website called www.graffiticreator.net, and dedicated to the person who makes me soar with every touch!

Signing out...
hey,ta fixe o texto,tipo,ok ok talvez exista uma musica d hip hop k s ouça,mas...n para mim,mas acho k n se deve discutir os gostos musicais,as vezes e isso k muda as pessoas ,outras vezes nao... por isso prfiro pensar k isso n afecta na kestao d fazer ou n novos amigos,por isso... LOL 8isto ja e do sono,o facto d eu tar a divagar)
hmm...gostas d dançar??eu tb,detesto musics d dança,mas sei la,kando me aptc dançar axo k klkr coisinha serve...
n t conheço ha tempo nenhum,mas pl k vi,axo k es uma pessoa fantastica,e claro,a mnha car n podia ter mlhor,fico mt feliz por voces os dois,merecem-se,i o k ela m dixe d ti...n exagerou nem um cadinho...
Take care ** pinto
Well, first of all, nice blog! ;) We have two passions in common, music and dance! I love music too, not all of those, but rock, metal, jazz, blues, classic.. and I love to dance kizomba and latine music.
Keep that way =) ***
PS: sorry if there are wrong words lol.
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