Well, I found this on a web-site and felt a sudden urge to post it as a warning, not for my blog, which despite being a number of things, it isn't idiotic, yet!, but for the completely STUPID blogs we see everyday...
So, laugh a bit, and remember: a real blog says something, is controversial, emotional, truthful and interesting... Dare to be different, dare to be original, dare to be yourself!
Signing out...

Signing out...
kakaka,ja tou a ver d k k tavas a falar x)
olha postast no dia d'anos da Bé,podias ao menos ter posto um PS,seu cunhado desnaturado,i'm kidding x)
ta giro ta :P
take care *
piu \m/
Pois é!!! Tou com a Piu!!! Nem um PS em homenagem a mim... MAU!!! LOL
Sorrie cunhaditue!!!
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