Hey everyone.
Well I just really needed to write, about everything and nothing. About a couple of things that have been driving me up the walls lately. And I guess blowing some steam is the best way to go to bed with a lighter load...
So we have less than 2 weeks to our show, and they are not up to scratch yet. Yes I have said before that they make me proud, and that they are dancing brilliantly, but the fact is, that's not enough. We have to be absolutely perfect, and we're not. I'm not living up to my own expectations and I hate it! Dammit! Another thing: they aren't used to being on stage, this is a first time thing and it's pretty big. What if someone freezes? I feel that they aren't confident enough and that somehow it's my fault, but I haven't the foggiest why or how to fix this. I guess a couple more practises might do the trick, but there isn't much time really...
Well, bottom line is: we have to make it work, come hell or high water! We can, you can! You have surprised me so many times before, and I am hopping you are getting ready to do it again.
If you read this before the show: good luck, I know you can do this, and have faith in you. If not, I know that all of the above will be complete nonsencial rambling and that I will be at home crying with joy, because you all fliping nailed it! Believe in yourselves, and don't let anything break your self-esteem... You're better than that!
Vini, Vidi, Vinci - Julius Ceaser
Signing out...
Well I just really needed to write, about everything and nothing. About a couple of things that have been driving me up the walls lately. And I guess blowing some steam is the best way to go to bed with a lighter load...
So we have less than 2 weeks to our show, and they are not up to scratch yet. Yes I have said before that they make me proud, and that they are dancing brilliantly, but the fact is, that's not enough. We have to be absolutely perfect, and we're not. I'm not living up to my own expectations and I hate it! Dammit! Another thing: they aren't used to being on stage, this is a first time thing and it's pretty big. What if someone freezes? I feel that they aren't confident enough and that somehow it's my fault, but I haven't the foggiest why or how to fix this. I guess a couple more practises might do the trick, but there isn't much time really...
Well, bottom line is: we have to make it work, come hell or high water! We can, you can! You have surprised me so many times before, and I am hopping you are getting ready to do it again.
If you read this before the show: good luck, I know you can do this, and have faith in you. If not, I know that all of the above will be complete nonsencial rambling and that I will be at home crying with joy, because you all fliping nailed it! Believe in yourselves, and don't let anything break your self-esteem... You're better than that!
Vini, Vidi, Vinci - Julius Ceaser
Signing out...
Well...don't stay like that...so nervous...we gone to do it!!!
Have been 4 months of hard work...since january to april at friday's i've sacrificed a lot of things because this project...I WILL NOT FAIL...you have my word!!!
well...i don't have more to say...
Hugs from a true friend...
Já ontem quis deixar comment...
Tenho muito a dizer acerca deste nosso projecto... Tal como tu, César, estou super de pé atrás... E super nervosa!É que eu e o público não nos damos muito bem... já sabes como sou!E tenhomedo de falhar... :'(
Mas, tal como o Marco disse, EU NÃO VOU FALHAR!!!
Eu prometo dar o meu melhor!!Por todos vocês!! Porque este projecto foi iniciado e será acabado!César, acredita em nós...Somos capazes, tu sabes disso... :)Pra quem só ensaiou o que vamos dançar em três meses...nada mal pissoal!
FORÇA!!!E muita auto-estima!!
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