Sorry for the delay, guess I just havent felt inspired to write; but here I am like I promised ;)
Well lately things have made me wish we were all still 6. Remember the days when relationships consisted merely of saying: "I'm going out with her" and hold hands. Innofensive, uncomplicated, untainted, without second intentions or objectives... I miss how simple things were
Now... Well, now ending a relationsip is never as clean cut. Things are messy, feelings are real and people get hurt, and its not always the ones who you think would be in pain. We grieve for those lost moments, for the person who broke our hearts. We learn that betrayal of trust cuts deeper than any miss placed kiss ever could.
Then there is the prospect of a new relationship... The fear of rejection. The misread signals (and here I would like to say, once and for all, that I dont understand subliminal messages by people of the female persuasion! we are men, it doesnt work!!!). The joy of thinking there might be something there, the agony of running every moment through your mind, analizing every touch, every look and every word looking for hope...

In all this clutter and mess though there is a reason I'm glad we all grew up. I love you now means something. More than anything else, when it is said with meaning...
Signing out...
1 comment:
Thanks for this post, it made me think a lot about myself..
I guess in many ways, a steady accumulation of emotion and experience is all we really are.
Despite the many hours I've spent agonising over my past, I wouldn't give up a single win or loss, pleasure or pain to go back to a warmer day. It all brings you a little closer to understanding everything that it is to be alive...
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