Welcome to 2008!
After the uneventful year (on this blog, at least) that was 2007 what can we expect of 2008?
Well, though it breaks my heart to say it, no more Harry... At least of the amazing book series which you will know, unless you've been living in a hole, ended this year with what, in my opinion, was one of the best series finales ever written. But opinions diverge on that.
You can also expect more of me, and more of those annoying notification emails saying there is new stuff up on good old not-so-faitful yours truly... loool! Those can be avoided though... Just comment more and I'll think lots of people acctually care about whatr i say and stop badgering you to read this trash...
So, why the new MO? Because (excuse the improper english grammer) 2007 was marred by mankind showing, once again how ridiculously unkind and stupid it can be. Iraq and Afganhistan are still bastions of oppression, despite what the US continues to say. Zimbabwe is still out of the limelight in most countries, Mugabe still runs a beautiful country into the ground and we all stand aside and whistle our happy tune. Jacob Zuma has been appointed president of the ANC in South Africa despite his obvious extremist leanings (Give me a machine gun, give me a machine gun... not a good sign) and stupidity (AIDS is innocuous as long as u take a shower aftewards)...
So here it is. I promise to cut my hair, study more and denounce cruelty right here... I think JK Rowling taught us all a lesson (at least those who bother to look past the superficial and analyse the deeper message in the books): if we love each other and fight for whats right and good, we can make a difference, not matter how small we think it may be.
Ignorance reigns supreme in our modern world, despite technology. Religious extremism, racism, sexism, discrimination, gay bashing... Enough is enough ladies and gentlemen...

Signing out...
traduzes o mail...mas nao traduzes o blog...nada a ver...
e fikei ofendido pela traducao do mail sim senhor..
that is great
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