Yello my dear readers... (yeah right!)
Well, this time I promise to acctually keep this darn thing up to date! Really! Trust me! Come on... Don't scoff. I know you are rolling on the floor in peals thinking, yeah cause that's gonna happen but it will... You'll see... And to make my joyous (but not for you cause now I'll badger you about whether or not you've been here...) welcome back even more poignant i'd like to post a pic of the end of an era... A very sad day in my recent existance. The end of the All Star Generation I...

But don't be down heart fellow converse worshipers... They have readily been replaced by a new pair and I am planning to extend the family... Watch this space. LOL!
Signing out
Well, this time I promise to acctually keep this darn thing up to date! Really! Trust me! Come on... Don't scoff. I know you are rolling on the floor in peals thinking, yeah cause that's gonna happen but it will... You'll see... And to make my joyous (but not for you cause now I'll badger you about whether or not you've been here...) welcome back even more poignant i'd like to post a pic of the end of an era... A very sad day in my recent existance. The end of the All Star Generation I...

But don't be down heart fellow converse worshipers... They have readily been replaced by a new pair and I am planning to extend the family... Watch this space. LOL!
Signing out
Aw, poor old Converse, you really should frame them in some way, or do something to commemorate their passing away! Hope to read more of your bloggage Cesar!
lots of love,
Pistachio Maximo
(: ola peste...
espero que o big ben esteja no mesmo sitio onde eu o deixei a ultima vez xD OMG, eu nnc o vi :( exijo ver o big ben, e dar uma escapadela a casa do daniel radcliffeno fim xD e talvez matar a ginny bj bj *
Looool! Esta gente é tola!!
Ah! Olá Canario!! :p
Es msm insensivel! Entao foste deita-las fora?!?! elas eram a tua vida! eram o teu mais que tudo! eram... As tuas companheiras em qualquer que fosse o chao que pisasses! loool!
Quero ver as novas! Ja ouvi falar nelas ca em casa... mas nao sei se gosto delas... hmmm... logo se vera!:P:P:P
Gosto muito de ti!
as tuas lembram me as minhas...
tu ja nao usas as tuas...mas foste tu k decidiste...
enkanto keu tive de mte las obrigatoriamenete visto k houve uma pekena inundacao na diskoteca...e fikaram cheias de minis papeis(higiénico axo eu)
ka nojo...
mas tmb nao kero po las a lavar
mas tmb nao ando na rua com akilo...
do one think frame that and show in front of ur home in hall man
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