Hey guys!
Well, I promised to give a blow-by-blow account of our time at the Rock In Rio summer festival, and here I am! I believe me, it was amazing, albeit our experience began with a few minor setbacks...
First Cedric lost, YES LOST!, his ticket, and we both wasted about 30 min looking for it in the middle of the street, that is, untill his mom found it dropped outside a pharmacy! I swear I felt like killing him, there and then! We bought the tickets 2 months ago, and he decides to loose it on the day! But whatever... We eventually arrived at S. Bento station and discovered (what a surprise!) that our information was wrong, and that the train left from the other station. So we ran like crazy but the road, to get to the subway... Thank god we made it on time...
The train ride was nerve racking to say the leaste, mainly because two people (whose names I will not metion, but just because I love them) are soooooo bloody shy it hurts! Tree hours we had to wait before "something" finally happened! But that's life... lol!
We arrived, under the scorching heat, I was the only one strip searched by the guards! and decided to do a reconassaise lap! lol! That place is incredible! Really! We got soaked at the 7up showers and rolled inside plastic balls! (one of the coooolest experiences in my life!)
Next came the concerts themselves! Kasabian was an enjoyable surprise, Da Weasel was ok, but the Red Hot Chilli Peppers ROCKED!! They blowed us away completly! Dani California shook the ground in every sense of the word!
The trip back was eventful... lol! Between our "druged" state in the middle of the station, to my bleeding lip (NOT!), Cedric's realllly heavy head, Pinto's unsuccesful attempts to help him, Carlotta's "Do you mind?! People are trying to sleep!" and Marcio and Stefânia's screwing around with our heads the whole night! loool!
All in all an absolutely, posilutely, slenderific, fantastic, gob-smacking good day! I leave you with a couple of picks of our day...

Signing out...
Well, I promised to give a blow-by-blow account of our time at the Rock In Rio summer festival, and here I am! I believe me, it was amazing, albeit our experience began with a few minor setbacks...
First Cedric lost, YES LOST!, his ticket, and we both wasted about 30 min looking for it in the middle of the street, that is, untill his mom found it dropped outside a pharmacy! I swear I felt like killing him, there and then! We bought the tickets 2 months ago, and he decides to loose it on the day! But whatever... We eventually arrived at S. Bento station and discovered (what a surprise!) that our information was wrong, and that the train left from the other station. So we ran like crazy but the road, to get to the subway... Thank god we made it on time...
The train ride was nerve racking to say the leaste, mainly because two people (whose names I will not metion, but just because I love them) are soooooo bloody shy it hurts! Tree hours we had to wait before "something" finally happened! But that's life... lol!
We arrived, under the scorching heat, I was the only one strip searched by the guards! and decided to do a reconassaise lap! lol! That place is incredible! Really! We got soaked at the 7up showers and rolled inside plastic balls! (one of the coooolest experiences in my life!)
Next came the concerts themselves! Kasabian was an enjoyable surprise, Da Weasel was ok, but the Red Hot Chilli Peppers ROCKED!! They blowed us away completly! Dani California shook the ground in every sense of the word!
The trip back was eventful... lol! Between our "druged" state in the middle of the station, to my bleeding lip (NOT!), Cedric's realllly heavy head, Pinto's unsuccesful attempts to help him, Carlotta's "Do you mind?! People are trying to sleep!" and Marcio and Stefânia's screwing around with our heads the whole night! loool!
All in all an absolutely, posilutely, slenderific, fantastic, gob-smacking good day! I leave you with a couple of picks of our day...

Signing out...
kakakaka,parti-me a rir a ler akilo!!!
"bloody shy"?!,eu dou-te o bloody shy!!!olha k eu sou capaz de MUITA coisa...e enkanto m lembrar disto,n m apareças a frente...(n e uma ameaça) xD
oooooooooooo foi mm liiiiiiiiiiindo
\m/californiaaaaaaaa rest in peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\m/
ok vou-me calar!!!
n consigo,desculpa: heavyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy glowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
pronto ja m caleiii!!sinto-me realizada neste momento!!hmmmm sabe bem ^^
ai ai!
e pronto...uns morrem,outros ficam assim!
nao tens vergonha piu?!
és uma amiga desnaturada!eu ao menos tenho a desculpa de tar doente!
mas tu?!
nao me contas as novidades!!
es tu e o ced!!
mas voces vao ver...
o rock in rio foi o maximo!!
rhcp 4eva!!
o concerto foi demais!!
vai ser uma experiencia que ficara marcada!
(e nao é so a mim, a OUTROS tambem, e nao é pelo concerto!)
mas eu acho que fiquei doente...
deve ter sido por causa do chuveiro!!
pro ano vai haver mais!!(ou nao!lool!)
eu volto a comentar,ok?
pera!tu nao tens mais fotos oh forreta?fiquei desconsolada!:P
agr a serio...
vou andando!!
um beijo enorme!!
uma palavra: ODEIO.VOS!
tnho dito!
oh portachaves!
tas com ciúmes,é?
nao foste ao rock in rio!
mas deixa lá, nao perdest nada!
(tadita,é melhor dizer isto, senão ela nao aguenta o desgosto!)
és uma triste!!!
sabes que é feio mentir?sabes?
mas tambem, tu és feia e és...
tou a brincar!
és tao fofita!
eu gostava que tivesses ido...
é que sabes... FOI DEMAAAIS!!!
pa poxima rapitamos-t!!(mais o ced, ele é que é o rapitador!loool!vejam lá...!é que nao tem nada de mal!)
beijinho muito grande!
e bibó rock in rio!
que a di nao foi!HeHe:P
Beijooo pa tds!
you put the photo were am not!!
fuck you
no photo of me(ja é tarde cesar nao consigo pensar...eu sei k ta mal!)XDlol
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