Hya guys!
So here I am, at twenty to midnight, posting the most important message ever: CICMUN ROCKS! I am dieing of exaustion, but the exilaration of the day is still pumping so hard in my veins that I can't stop...
It all started yesterday with the Lobbying. It was great to see everyone back for another conference: some old faces, some new ones and some people we know on a day-to-day basis but look so different all dressed up. The atmosphere was amazing: tense but friendly, resolute but compreensive; and I saw some of the best resolutions in these last two years, and best defences at that. Then again, nothing less could be expexted with a team of leaders like ours. I take this opporunity, on my humble abode, to thank and congratulate all, in particular: Luis Terrinha (you seriously leave me absolutely gobsmacked!), Mafalda Pinto (hell yes!), Antonio Maia (you couldn't have been more american!) and my other sister-in-law-to-be, Marie Hohenstein (you're an amazing Press Editor, but I really do hate you for publishing that quote! LOL! Just kidding!). As this is the last year for many of you, I wish you good luck and thank you for being an inspiration for all of us. Your hard work and dedication means more than we can say. I stand and applaude you all!

Mafalda Pinto, Luis Terrinha, Antonio Maia, and Patricia Branco.
Todays debates were some of the most heated ever, despite all the resolutions being passed, two by absolute and overwhelming majorties... Our country, the UK, managed to approve and pass a resolution and I almost jumped for joy! Very undiplomatic, I know... but what the heck!
We met some amazing delegates, both from CIC, and from other schools, among them, and sorry if I don't know your names but that is one of my weak points, the delegate of France, DPR Korea, Germany (Luis Grilo, this one I know), DR Congo (Ken, I don't know the rest, but Viva South Africa, Viva!), Cambodia (Sara and Cedric, well I already knew you, but you did an excelent job), Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Timor Leste, Sudan, Tailand, etc... Congrats, I'm looking forward to challenging and working with you again soon...

Myself, by fellow represenattive of the UK, Miss Carlotta Hohenstein,
and the representative of Cambodia, Miss Sara Neves...

The Cambodiam Delegation: Mr Cedric Pedrosa, and Miss Sara Neves.
So that's that. After pouring my soul out to you, I'm really in need of some TLC and sleep, so: good night and may all the dreams we fought for today be tomorrows reality...
The United Kingdom yields the floor to the chair...
Wait there is no chair... What do I do now?
Oh well...
Signing out...