Heya everyone
Well, i'm back after a rather long absence. Altough in my defence i do have about 4 drafts that just never got published, writers block i guess... Nothing i churned out seemed right or good enough, but this came to me today.
I was just thinking about all the things i wish i had done, all the things i am proud of having done and all the things I want to do before i kick the proverbial bucket ;) So here goes, and please feel free to add urs, the comment tab is there for a reason.
1. Bungee Jump
2. Build my own house
3. Buy an Aston Martin
4. Fall in love
5. Leave my mark
6. Parachute
7. Threesome
8. Visit Budapeste
9. Climb the Eiffell Tower
10. Dance tango in Buenos Aires
11. Kiss someone in the rain
12. Open my own restaurant/bar/club
13. Act in a play
Singing out
Well, i'm back after a rather long absence. Altough in my defence i do have about 4 drafts that just never got published, writers block i guess... Nothing i churned out seemed right or good enough, but this came to me today.
I was just thinking about all the things i wish i had done, all the things i am proud of having done and all the things I want to do before i kick the proverbial bucket ;) So here goes, and please feel free to add urs, the comment tab is there for a reason.
1. Bungee Jump
2. Build my own house
3. Buy an Aston Martin
4. Fall in love
5. Leave my mark
6. Parachute
7. Threesome
8. Visit Budapeste
9. Climb the Eiffell Tower
10. Dance tango in Buenos Aires
11. Kiss someone in the rain
12. Open my own restaurant/bar/club
13. Act in a play
Singing out
14: Finally find out who shot JFK. Cause its getting boring now.
15: Watch the sunset from space. Cause, I can.
16: Work out exactly how to make the perfect martini.
Cause someone in this town needs to.
17: See if it is possible to lick your own B***s. Cause dogs can do it.
18: See the great barrier reef. From space. Cause, I own a rocket.
19: Find somewhere that does a proper mojito.
Cause they always forget the mint.
20: Work out why its called 'kicking the bucket'
Cause, it just sounds silly.
e eu so peço para ter emprego!!!
You have already kissed someone in the rain...
You just don't remember it...
says who? i didnt say there were only things i wanted to do on the list, there are also things ive already done which were on the list before...
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