This one has been a long time in the making, and I guess recent conversations have revolved so much around first impressions and aroudn things we would never expect people to do, that I felt that a little personality dissection post was in order.
First impressions last, but not really. Well, untill you actually get to know the person. I think your initial assesment is like when you first look at a work of art, a book, or listen to the opening lines of a song. Either your hooked on beauty alone (beauty no in the strict sense of the word, but just as something you like or value, like a trustworthy smile or a confident demeanour) or by a catchy hook in the song; or there is something in that first impression that doesnt quite sit with you. Certain people are an aquired taste and, like port, get better over time. Actually port is a great example. Many people find it a bit overbearing and different at first, but if you make an effort, you'll often find you like it. On the other hand, i tend to find that positive first impressions that prove right are not such a good thing. I usually just get bored with people you can read at first sight.
That brings me to surprises. Don't you just love people who out of the blue show you that there is more to them than you first thought. Masks are a day to day thing when it comes to dealign with other people and its great when someone has the courage to take theirs off and, for however brief a period, through an action or comment, show you what is going on deeper down, what makes them tick, cry, laugh, feel and react.
The wonder that is the human personality...

Signing out...