Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back in operation!

Hey guys and girls! (So they don't call me a male chauvinist again!)

Well as seen as I haven't posted anything for a while, I think a couple of pictures are in order! These are from my last weeks in Portugal, the harrowing trip from Portugal to England by car (by the way not something I'd recomend!) and from our expeditionary trips through Lincoln! Oh and our dogs shows up somewhere in the middle of all that! lol! Enjoy...

Me, Daniela and Carlotta on a really windy day, about to go see the Port Wine Caves at Taylors thanks to one very very amazing sister in law... LOL!

Are any comments necessary?? lol! Love this brat!

And they say the spanish aren't horny little buggers! Don't know why but I thought of you Ced when I say this... Lol!

Marcia and Nini a.k.a Daniela in front of the Lincoln Cathedral!

And finally the tired expressions of three trekkers after a couple of hours in a car!

Well that'll be all for today! Promise to be back soon. The next one is already in the making and BT2 will recongnise it! Probably because they heard it almost everyday for the past two years! If you can guess what it's about you'll win... ummmmm... and honorary mention! lol! (sorry folks, money is short everywhere!)

Signing out...


Anonymous said...

You are a terrible bro, but i like you, only.LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

(Saliente-s q sou mais alta que a Marie!!:D:D)

CUNHADOOOOO!!! Hehe!! Beeeem!! Estava a ver que não! Espero bem que continues a postar pois todos nós queremos ver a boa vida que levas aí!! Hehe! Mas não te esqueças do Porto, carago! Loool!! (já estavas com saudades da labrega da tua cunhada, não?):P

Anonymous said...

akilo das pil(h)as é eskezito...


Anonymous said...


Nao gostei nada!

Quem e que e mais alto do que eu??
Espelho meu espelho meu....Quem e mais alto do que eu???Loooool

Cunhado, tenho uma proposta para te fazer... Se tiveres interesse...Manda um mail!

Surprise surprise!

Porta-te bem!!!

