Sunday, May 14, 2006


Hey all...

Well for everyone who knows me, Nikita, is a world famous caracter... A minha rata (sorry but that had to be in Portuguese) was a source of laughter, joy and love, the chewing my fingers and removing flesh, were shows of emotion... Upon your passing (wich was about a month ago) we remeber you and salute your energy and perseverance (after all, not everyone is capable of runnig constantly on a wheel and going absolutely nowhere... lol!)

Signing out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

é tao fofa...
axo k as sdds nnc vao embora,apens melhoram c o tempo
enfim,é mm fofinha ela (:
bju *
da convencida,bebada,k vai ter filhos alliens,etc xD
