Friday, March 28, 2008

Call To Arms!


If you have been watching the news where ever your are, I'm sure you hvae noticed what is happening right now in China. The people of Tibet, now a chinese province, are being violently repressed for, according to the Chinese government, supporting dissedent beliefs and whishing to cause turmoil in the country ahead of this years Olympic Games in Beijing.
Somehow I don't quite thing this is in keeping with the image China has developed in its rather murky past. Macau springs to mind. Tianemen Square. The ongoing restritions imposed on basic freedoms, like freedom of expression in the media. The presucution of catholic chinese. The "cure for all remedies" way in which the death penalty is used in an otherwise biased and corrupt judicial system. The discrimination of women in all walks of life. The non-existant protection of the working class. Female infanticide. Need I go on?
I call on you all to take heed of this message and sign the following petition to show the Chinese government that its action will not go unnoticed or unpunished. Enough is enough my dear friends.
The Olympic Games where founded as a beacon of international coperation and to showcase the benefits the world could reap by embracing freedom and democracy. Is it not then a bit antisenscial that a communist, repressive, huma rights abusing nation is allowed to host what is one of the greatest spectacles of the year? Think about it...

Signing out...

Monday, March 24, 2008

To lighten the mood...

Thanks Matt!
Signing out...

That feeling...

Just a thought...

Have you ever met someone, whose mere voice would make you shiver?
Have you ever met someone, whose smell would make you heart race?
Have you ever met someone, whose every smile would make you blush?
Have you ever met someone, that made each day brighter just by walking by you?
Someone who brought out every animal instint in you?
Someone whose gaze could leave you feeling naked and weak?
Who could make you think of nothing else but needing them there and then?
I have... But to no avail... They don't know it...
I fear they never will...

Signing out...

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I have always thought that our lives are not dictated by where we go once they are over but by the mark we leave on the world while we are still here. This last week has been a revaltion on that. I have learnt that taking risks to follow our passions, breaking free of convention and what those around expect of you and making your own luck, future, fate, destiny what ever you will call it is the way to being remembered. For if nothing else, people will say, he was not afraid to follow his dreams...

Signing out